1 Vehicles…
- An owner or occupier of a lot must not park or stand any motor or other vehicle on common property except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
- The owners corporation must not unreasonably withhold its approval to the parking or standing of a motor vehicle on the common property.
2 Obstruction of Common Property…
An owner or occupier of a lot except Lot 12 must not obstruct lawful use of common property by any person except on a temporary and non-recurring basis.
3 Damage to Common Property…
- An owner or occupier of a lot must not mark, paint, drive nails or screws or the like into, or otherwise damage or deface, any structure that forms part of the common property without the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
- An approval given by the owners corporation under subclause (1) cannot authorise – any additions to the common property.
- This by-law does not prevent an owner or person authorised by an owner from installing:
- any locking or other safety device for protection of the Owner’s lot against intruders or to improve safety within the owner’s lot, or
- any screen or other device to prevent entry of animals or insects, on the lot, or
- any structure or device to prevent harm to children, or
- any device used to affix decorative items to the internal surfaces of walls in the owner’s lot
- any advertising sign
- Any such locking or safety device, screen, other device or structure must be installed in a competent and proper manner and must have an appearance, after it has been installed, consistent with any guidelines established by the owners corporation about such installations or, in the absence of guidelines, in keeping with the appearance of the rest of the building
- Despite Section 62, the owner of the lot must:
- maintain and keep in a state of good and serviceable repair any installation or structure referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot, and
- repair any damage caused to any part of the common property by the installation or removal of any locking or safety device, screen, other device or structure referred to in subclause (3) that forms part of the common property and that services the lot.
4 Behaviour of Owners and Occupiers
An owner or occupier of a lot when on common property must be adequately clothed and must not use language or behave in a manner likely to cause offence or embarrassment to the owner or occupier of another lot or to any person lawfully using common property.
5 Behaviour of Invitees
An owner or occupier of a lot must take all reasonable steps to- ensure that invitees of the owner or occupier do not behave in a likely to interfere with the peaceful enjoyment of the owner or occupier of another lot or any person lawfully using common property.
6 Depositing Rubbish and other Material on Common Property…
An owner or occupier of a lot must not deposit or throw on the common property any rubbish, dirt, dust or other material or discarded item except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation.
7 Cleaning Windows and Doors
The owners corporation must keep clean all exterior surfaces of glass in windows and doors on the boundary of the lots, whether common property or part of a lot.
8 Storage of Inflammable Liquids and Other Substances and Materials…
- An owner or occupier of a lot except Lot 12, must not, except with the prior written approval of the owners corporation, use or store on the lot or on the common property any inflammable chemical, liquid or gas or other inflammable material.
- This by-law does not apply to chemicals, liquids, gases or other material used or intended to be used for domestic purposes, or any chemical, liquid, gas or other material in a fuel tank of a motor vehicle or internal combustion engine.
9 Keeping of Animals…
Subject to Section 49(4), an owner or occupier of a lot must not keep – any animal on the lot or the common property.
10 Appearance of Lot…
The owner or occupier of a lot must not, without the prior written approval of the owners corporation, maintain within the lot anything visible from outside the lot that, viewed from outside the lot, is not in keeping with the rest of the building.
11 Preservation of Fire Safety…
The owner or occupier of a lot must not do anything or permit any invitees of the owner or occupier to do anything on the lot or common property that is likely to affect the operation of fire safety devices in the parcel or to reduce the level of fire safety in the lots or common property.
12 Provision of Amenities or Services…
- The owners corporation may, by special resolution, determine to enter into arrangements for the provision of the following amenities or services to one or more of the lots, or to the owners or occupiers of one or more of the lots:
- electricity, water or gas supply,
- telecommunication services leg. Cable television)
- If the owners corporation makes a resolution referred to in subclause (I) to provide an amenity or service to a lot or to the owner or occupier of a lot, it must indicate in the resolution the amount for which, or the conditions on which, it will provide the amenity or service.